Press Release Social media giant Telegram, a platform long regarded for its hands-off approach to content moderation, announced on 30 December that it is blocking access within the EU to a number of Russian state-owned media, citing a need to comply with EU regulations such as the Digital Services Act (DSA). This move comes just two weeks...
Event Report – Elections in Moldova and Romania: Influence Operations and Lessons Learned
Elections in Moldova and Romania: Influence Operations and Lessons Learned On Tuesday 17th December 2024, Alliance4Europe and GLOBSEC convened a Chatham House Rule Roundtable consisting of media, civil society, and institutional representatives. The session explored the recent elections in Moldova and Romania, diving into current trends in...
Shor’s Echo: Influence Operations Targeting Moldovan Gagauzia
Image credit: Maxence Peniguet on Flickr, creative commons licence, Author: Saman Nazari, Alliance4Europe. This flash report was made possible through collaborations facilitated through the Counter Disinformation Network’s IDA project. For more information, please read the last section of this report. ...
Narrative Report “17 September – People’s Unity Day”
This report, authored by the Belarus Strategic Communications Centre, explores how Belarusian state propaganda manipulates historical narratives surrounding the newly established public holiday – "People's Unity Day". A celebration of the "reunification" of Western and Eastern Belarus in 1939, the event has become a cornerstone for rewritten...
Narrative Report “Migration Crisis on the Border of Belarus with Poland, Lithuania, Latvia”
This report, authored by the Belarus Strategic Communications Centre, investigates an orchestrated campaign of disinformation and manipulation by the Belarusian regime and its allies. This campaign weaponises migration as a tool to destabilise European democracies while shaping domestic and international perceptions to serve authoritarian...
Illegal Russian Influence Operations Continue Despite Sanctions
Author: Saman Nazari, Alliance4Europe. Contributor: Lea Frühwirth, CeMAS. A special thank you to Lars Wienand from T-online for informing us that the Doppelganger links are working again. This flash report was made possible through collaborations facilitated through the Counter Disinformation Network. Summary In this report, we will...
Chinese State Media Violating Meta Ad Policy in Europe
Author: Saman Nazari, Lead Researcher, Alliance4Europe. This flash report was done in the context of the IDA project led by Alliance4Europe and supported by the Counter Disinformation Network. Funding details can be found at the bottom of the article. In this report, we will show how two Chinese state-controlled media outlets have used Meta to...
Sanctioned but Thriving: How Online Platforms Fail To Address the Widespread Presence of Entities Under EU Sanction
Today, Alliance4Europe and Science Feedback unveil their latest report covering the failure of Big Tech platforms to uphold EU sanctions on Russian and Belarussian propaganda actors. This publication builds on five previous reports published in 2024, flagging the prevalence of sanctioned actors on the platforms of Meta, Google, TikTok, Telegram,...
Georgescu’s Unexpected Win: A Story of Algorithmic Manipulation
Introduction This briefing was produced through the Counter Disinformation Network reviewing findings around the recent Romanian elections. This overview of findings by analysts in the democracy-defending community points towards the need for more research on what took place. We present anecdotal evidence illustrating a concerning phenomenon....
The Commissioners-designate hearings in 2024
As part of the Citizens Take Over Europe coalition, Alliance4Europe delivered a Democratic Manifesto following the 2024 EU elections. The manifesto serves to provide solutions to how to manage the EU’s democratic deficits. From November 4th to November 12th 2024, the Commissioner-designates, selected by President-elect Ursula von der Leyen, will...