The Football Meeting Point

A new engine for strengthening community and engagement through sport


The Football Meeting Point (In German: treffpunkt fußball) is designed to facilitate networking, exchange, and active citizenship – giving people at grassroots level a stage to build projects and helping football clubs raise funds.

The platform launched in February 2023 with UEFA EURO 2024 Tournament Director Philipp Lahm and DFB Vice President Célia Šašić at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs (BMI) in Berlin.

The platform follows the DFB’s “#2024 und du” participation campaign, which received more than 18,000 ideas and suggestions from across Germany. These ideas helped shape the platform and will be used to guide the projects that the platform will help develop.

Amateur football is the most popular sport in Germany. Around 25,000 non-professional clubs bring together a wide variety of people. As places of exchange, participation, value transfer and health promotion, these clubs are important pillars of our democracy.

Alliance4Europe works together with the Philipp Lahm Foundation and 21.Raum to bring treffpunkt fußball to life. The project is funded by the German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering (DSEE).